Mission CISD Board of Trustees continues to support district salaries above market averages

       Mission, Texas- The Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) Board of Trustees has approved a generous compensation plan for the 2023-2024 school year that continues to keep district salaries above market values in the area.  When the board hired Dr. Carol G. Perez as the new superintendent five years ago, one of the areas of concern they wanted to work on as a team of eight was to improve upon the compensation paid to district employees and reduce the number of teachers leaving the district. Since accomplishing this goal, the district has continued to focus on trying to provide the best possible salaries and benefits for district employees.

           “One of the key elements to holding on to the best staff is to make sure you are providing the best compensation possible,” explained Dr. Perez. “When I was hired, the district pay scales had fallen behind as compared to the area market. Now, after careful planning and budgeting with the board members, we are able to offer our employees salaries, that keep us among the most competitive in the area.”

          In a salary study conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), Mission CISD’s teacher salaries were 6.4% above the market median for the Region One Education Service Center comparison of 25 school districts.

Mission CISD teachers will receive a $1,850 pay increase. Starting salaries for a new teacher to Mission CISD this fall, with no experience, will be $57,150. All other salary schedules are also being adjusted upward. Clerical/technical/instructional support/auxiliary employees will receive a 3.5% of midpoint increase. Administration and professional employees will receive a 3% of midpoint pay increase. A $1,000 retention stipend was also approved for all eligible employees that will be paid out in two, $500 payments (September, December).

Dr. Perez expressed the importance of how the compensation plan supports other efforts to continue to improve upon the overall job satisfaction of employees, while also focusing on the three main leadership goals to support academic achievement for students, student attendance, and using a service delivery model designed to provide support and services to students and staff, alike.

“When you bring all of this together, with our goals to also focus on growing our own leaders from within, and supporting personal and professional growth, we are hoping to keep Mission CISD one of the most desirable districts to work for,” explained Dr. Perez.

           The district compensation plan was approved by the Board of Trustees during their meeting of June 21, along with the 2023-2024 budget that begins July 1. The current budget is based upon a preliminary tax rate that maintains the current rate of $1.11300 per $100 of property. The final property tax rate will not be set until September.

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