Mission CISD encourages students to read “Books that Come Alive!”

Mission CISD 3rd graders competed in a reading initiative from February 1st to March 1st to see which schools could read the most books in addition to taking their test. Midkiff Elementary and Cantu Elementary had the highest number of books read and AR tests successfully taken in one month. The schools earned a visit from the Gladys Porter Zoo Community outreach program.


The Gladys Porter Zoo Education Director, Sergio Garcia, along with the Training and Enrichment Director, Patty Scanlan, came out with their special guests to inform students on the different characteristics that the animals have that are housed at their facility.


The special guests that made an appearance to the students’ delight were:

  • Plato, the Tortoise
  • Jasmine, the Indigo snake
  • Jack the Blue tongue skink
  • Samson, the Ball python
  • Reggie, the American Alligator
  • Ed, Ted and Eddie Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

This is truly when “books come alive” when students get to witness and interact with the animals. They read the books and then presenters will give them additional details on their habits and characteristics.
