Mission CISD hosts 7th Annual Motor Activities Challenge

The 7th Annual Motor Activities Challenge Day theme was "Back to the 80’s" and it was held on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Over 130 students from elementary campuses throughout the district participated in the 14 Sport Skill Stations. Each station had an activity that focused on mobility, striking, throwing, kicking, crawling, wheelchair movement (manual and electric), and many others.

The annual field day is a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills as well as receive awards for their hard work. The attendees are students that have completed skill-based activities learned throughout the year through Special Olympics Motor Activities Training Program and Young Athletes Program.


The MATP and YAP is designed for athletes with severe or profound intellectual disabilities, including students with significant physical disabilities who are unable to participate in official Special Olympics sport competitions because of their skill and/or functional abilities.


This event is designed to develop young participants’ motor skills through fun-filled tasks and recreation activities geared to participants’ ability levels. Through sports, our students see themselves for their abilities and become confident and empowered by their accomplishments.


I absolutely look forward to this event, because it gives our students a place to belong and to showcase their personal best,” said Diana L. Cremar, MCISD Adapted PE Teacher, CAPE/Special Olympics Coach.It such a good example of the real meaning of inclusion and their smiles are a great sight to see. It’s an event that brings everyone together such as families, principals, staff and students!”


We would like to thank Mission High School Principal, Edilberto Flores and his staff for allowing us to host this event at his campus.  Our amazing Master of Ceremonies, Rene Garza (Pearson Elementary teacher), who did a wonderful job. Deanna Vallejo, Texas Association of Future Teachers Sponsor and students for their supervision, incredible props and creative station designs. Everett Castellano, 18+ Special Ed Program and students for also supervising some of the stations.  The District Special Ed. staff, (Director Tahnee Netro, Adriana Correa, Supervisor, Adapted PE Staff, Speech Therapist, VI Staff, Occupational Therapists, License School Psychologists, Diagnosticians, Autism Specialist’s, and Central Office Sp. Ed. Support Staff).
