AMJH UIL State Qualifiers receive accolades at State Championship

Alton Memorial Junior High School Texas Math and Science Coaches Association (TMSCA) State Championship team had twenty-seven students qualify to compete at the elite state level competition in math and science on April 26 – 28, 2019.  The Mighty Falcon Calculators Team earned a 6th place team trophy placing them among the top teams in the state. Individual places were as follow: 6th grader Humberto Galindo, 14th place; 6th grader Yandel Barrera, 5th place; 7th grader Dayana Hernandez, 19th place; 7th grader Vanessa Villegas, 9th place. The 6th place winning team was composed of 7th graders Vanessa Villegas, Dayana Hernandez, and Jaretzy Espinoza. The final team member who helped clench the trophy was 6th grader Yandel Barrera. Congratulations!
