Mission, Texas- Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) has announced the name of its District Staff Member of the Year. The announcement was made during a special luncheon today, honoring the Staff Members of the Year from each of the district’s campuses and main buildings/departments.
The Mission CISD Staff Member of the Year is Nora Cavazos from Leal Elementary School. She is a lab proctor for the campus. Cavazos has been with Mission CISD for 33 years.
Earlier this spring, each Mission CISD campus and building went through a process to select an hourly-paid employee to recognize as a Staff Member of the Year. Those individuals were then nominated for the district-level honor. The nominations were reviewed and scored by a panel of judges to select the district honoree. Criteria used in the judging process included: the individual’s influence on their worksite, attitude, cooperation, attendance, creativity, and a willingness to “go the extra mile.”
The 2019 Campus/Building Staff Members of the Year are: Claudia Salinas, Alton Elementary School; Janie Puente, Bryan Elementary School; Marc Dimas, Cantu Elementary School; Michael Rocha, Castro Elementary School; Maricela Charles, Cavazos Elementary School; Ruben Garcia, Escobar/Rios Elementary School; Nora Cavazos, Leal Elementary School; Gina Marie Garcia, Marcell Elementary School; Santos Gonzalez, Midkiff Elementary School; Narcedalia Rios, Mims Elementary School; Michelle Garza, O’Grady Elementary School; Juan Carlos Garcia, Pearson Elementary School; DeKendrick Jeffery, Salinas Elementary School; Ana Perez, Waitz Elementary School; Rosa Solis, Alton Memorial Jr. High School; Cynthia Garcia, K. White Jr. High School; Miguel Briseno, Mission Jr. High School; Berta A. Requenez, R. Cantu Jr. High School; Julio Lopez, Mission High School; Anna P. Garcia, Veterans Memorial High School; Mayra Hernandez, Mission Collegiate High School; Lidia Medina, Mission Options Academy; Isaura Anzaldua, Roosevelt Alternative School; Elizabeth Villarreal, Administrative Office; Juan Llanas, Child Nutrition Program; Joel Villalobos, Maintenance Department; Adan Rivera, Transportation Department; Irineo Piñon, Fixed Assets/Warehouse Department.
Pictured is Nora Cavazos (left) accepting the Mission CISD Staff Member of the Year Award from Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent (right).
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