Mission CISD has two First Place winners in the City of Alton Recycle Bowl

Mission CISD is proud to announce that Alton Memorial Jr. High and Waitz Elementary are City of Alton Recycle Bowl winners. They were recently presented with their trophies for their accomplishments. Both these schools competed against other secondary and elementary campuses with the Alton area.

The results are as follows:

Secondary Campuses

*Alton Memorial Jr. High (1st Place) with 2,492 lbs. of recycling material collected

*Rafael Cantu Jr. High (2nd Place) with 866 lbs. collected

*LJISD campus (3rd Place)

Elementary Campuses

*Waitz Elementary (1st Place) with 1,392 lbs of recycling material collected

*Cavazos Elementary (2nd Place) with 898 lbs. collected

*Alton Elementary (3rd Place) with 750 lbs. collected
