VMHS Cosmetology students compete at Skills USA

Veterans Memorial High School Cosmetology students recently competed at the Skills USA competition and the following students placed in various categories. 

Cosmetology Quiz Bowl 2nd place from left to right- Lisa Gonzalez, Karina Padron, Kayla Vargas, and Michelle De Leon.

Job Skills Demonstration A 2nd place- Karina Padron

Outstanding Chapter - 1st Place- Kitana Garza, Alesis Alba, and Yared Castro

Cosmetology Quiz Bowl 1st place- Shelby Guerra Kitana Garza, Alesis Alba, Issys Reyes, and Roselly Lopez.

Job Exhibits

Yatziri Meza 1st Place , Adamari Lara- 1st Place, 

Emily Anguiano 1st Place, Issys Reyes 1st Place

Erandy Rios 1st Place, 

Karina Tenientes 1st Place 

Michelle De Leon 1st Place

Alexia Cantu 1st Place 

Isadora Reyes 1st Place 

Lisa Gonzalez 1st place

Karen Adame 1st Place
