Mission CISD resource for educational resources and activities

Mission, Texas- Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) officials understand that keeping your children actively engaged in learning during this extended closure will be a challenge and we have resources to help! 

As we move forward with implementing our online instruction through Google Classroom and Edgenuity, etc. you may find some helpful items in a special section of the district website called Students Lessons & Learning. Go to, www.mcisd.net, then click the Lessons & Learning banner at the top, or click the “Students” link in the blue bar. 

On the Students Lessons & Learning page, each grade level link contains online resources for activities in the major subject areas that are grade appropriate. There are also pdf’s of the lesson packets that have been picked up or are being mailed out. These can be printed at home, or downloaded and used. If just downloaded, the work can be completed on a separate page and saved for turning in later and that way students/parents don’t have to print out everything.

We will be making more announcements about the online instruction the coming days and teachers will be reaching out to parents and students as they work from home on lessons to share with children. 

District officials are asking parents to share pictures of their children working on their activities from home, with the hashtag, #MCISDistanceLearning. 

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