Summer Strength and Conditioning and Sport-Specific Skill Instruction

The following link includes information about registration, entrance and exit procedures, daily health screenings, participation limits, social distancing, staff to student ratios, PPE and sanitation, food and drinks, and required liability forms and campus contact information on the parent letter.

Click on the link below to view the UIL/TEA guidelines for Strength and Conditioning and Sport-Specific Skill Instruction:

Information for Parents 

Mission CISD is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our student athletes and coaches. We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has caused many changes to our daily lives.   We want you to feel confident and comfortable during these uncertain times if you elect to allow your student to attend a voluntary and optional Summer Strength and Conditioning (S&C) session. We have included below some information about our planned S&C sessions to assist you to make a decision about your student’s attendance. A Q&A list also is attached to the end of this document.

Each high school Athletic Coordinator has developed a plan and will set the schedule for all strength and conditioning (S&C) and sport specific skill instruction sessions at their campus. All schedules will comply with TEA and UIL Guidelines / Restrictions and approved by our MCISD  Administrative Staff.  Please see the attached plan for your school.

 On the first day of strength and conditioning, our coaching staff will reiterate all rules and expectations and athletes will complete an educational walk through of a typical S&C session. 

Our athletes will be made to understand that ALL guidelines must be followed at all times or they will forfeit the privilege of participation. Contact activities will not be allowed at any given time.

Registration.  Students who wish to participate in S&C must return a completed MCISD Release from Liability Form, signed by both the athlete and the parent/guardian. All athletes must have a current physical on file from last school year in order to participate in S&C. If an athlete does not have a physical on file, one will be required before participating.

Entrance and Exit Procedures.  Each high school has developed entrance and exit procedures for S&C participants to ensure a well-managed process.  Parents, siblings or other non-MCISD visitors will not be admitted to any facility. Visitors who wish to observe outdoor workouts must remain outside the perimeter fence and should observe all social distancing requirements.

Daily Health Screening. Each student and staff member must complete a daily COVID health screening at home, if they answer any screening question “yes” must stay home.  A temperature check will be done before he/she may participate or work.  A participant whose temperature is 100.0 or above, will be sent home and may not enter the facility.  Any student or staff member who receives a positive COVID-19 test must report the results immediately to the Athletic Coordinator who will notify MCISD Health Services.

Participation Limits.  MCISD will limit enrollment in each session to ensure no more than 25% of the occupancy capacity of any indoor facility is used during S&C and sport specific skill instruction.

Social Distancing.  During workout activities, students and staff must maintain at least ten feet distance when actively exercising. Staff may have a brief period of closer contact with a student if a shorter distance is required for safe participation.  When not working out, students and staff must maintain at least six feet distance.

Staff to Student Ratios

For sport specific activities conducted outdoors, students may be placed in working groups of no more than 15 total students with one staff member.  For sport specific activities conducted indoors, students may be placed in working groups no larger than 10 total students with one staff member.  For S&C activities, there must be one coach for every 20 students

Students will remain in the same workout group throughout the S&C program and sport specific skill instruction to the extent possible.  If a participant develops symptoms of COVID-19, all participants in the workout group will be removed and must adhere to CDC guidelines until the participant has been cleared to return.


 Students must report to S&C in their exercise clothing and recommended to bring their personal towel.  Locker rooms and shower facilities will not be available.  Restroom facilities will be available. 

Staff and Students may but are not required to wear masks during active exercise.  Staff and Students are strongly encouraged to wear masks when not actively exercising.

Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the workout facility. All participants will be encouraged to wash/sanitize hands throughout the session.

Athletic facilities and equipment will be disinfected before, during and after work out sessions.  Disinfectant spray and/or wipes will be available.

The athlete will disinfect equipment used after each use.  All balls used during a sport specific skill workout will be sanitized after each session. 

Food and Drink.

Students must bring their own water bottles/ jugs. Water fountains and communal coolers will not be available.  Coaches will assist in refilling water bottles to ensure the bottle does not touch a cooler or automatic bottle filler. Food or drink may not be shared at any time.  

Please visit with your student athlete about the importance of following all social distance guidelines and all rules for S&C.  We want to ensure all Staff and Athletes feel safe and comfortable participating in this voluntary activity.  Students who repeatedly disregard rules and expectations may be removed from the program.

If you have questions about the strength and conditioning program, please contact your Campus Coordinators:

Mission High School:  Koy Detmer-- [email protected]

                                    Edna Clemons-- [email protected]

Veterans Memorial HS:  David Gilpin--  [email protected]

                                        Kathy Howell-- [email protected]

