Mission CISD athletes start summer training

Veterans Memorial High School and Mission High School  just started their summer training for their athletes. Training had been on hold for almost three months due to the State imposed pandemic guidelines. This year VMHS Athletics had the largest group they had ever seen with 238 athletes when in previous years they had a group of about 100 students. MHS also had a big group participate in the training with over 300 athletes.


Prior to the training, coaches worked diligently to abide by the COVID-19 guidelines set by the University Interscholastic League in order to keep all athletes safe and healthy. All athletes had to conduct a self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending the training.


Once on campus the coaches checked the athlete’s temperature, were told to maintain social distancing, had hand sanitizing stations, made sure there were no shared water stations or water bottles, no shared towels, no groups larger than 15, and constant disinfecting of equipment when it is used.  


Athletes will be training from Monday through Thursday and will be working on sprint work, station work, and core work. This training is for both female and male athletes in all the sports.  For more information on VMHS Athletics please call 956- 323-3100 and for MHS Athletics please call 323-6124.
