Delivery of instruction parent survey re-opened

Dear Parents,

Your assistance is needed in revising the Preference in Delivery of Instruction and Remote Access Survey for 2020-2021 through the Parent Portal. 

When parents log in to the Parent Portal, you will see a notice that stating “Unfinished Version Exists”.  Please use the link “Start Over” to complete the survey.  Please complete one survey per child.

In case you do not recall your username and password for the Parent Portal, you will be receiving an email with this information.  If you need any assistance, please contact Information Systems at [email protected].  This is a very important survey to provide Mission CISD with information regarding the type of devices that your children may need for remote instruction. 

If no changes are needed to devices or internet services, you do not need to update the survey.  If changes in the devices and/or internet are needed, please log into the Parent Portal and complete the survey by July 22.

Thank you.
