Texas Future Farmers of America selects Alexandra Salinas as State Officer

The Texas Future Farmers of America (FFA) recently announced the new state officers for 2020-2021 and has named Alexandra Salinas as Area X Vice President for the organization. Salinas is a 2020 Veterans Memorial High School graduate and is only the second elected state officer from this school. The last state officer from VMHS was Lora Gonzalez back in 2009.  The organization made the announcement virtually for the first time and named 12 members from various areas as officers.


“It was a rigorous interview process and actually being selected is a dream come true,” states Salinas. “It is more than a state officer position to me, it’s actually a platform for me to speak so passionately about something I love so much such as FFA, agriculture, and serving others so wholeheartedly.”


Only 12 officers were selected from about 62 candidates that were in the running for vice president. Salinas along with other officers will be a college freshmen this fall representing the Texas FFA. Salinas will be fulfilling her Vice President responsibilities from Lubbock, Texas due to her attending Texas Tech. She plans to major in Agriculture Leadership and will continue her education in order to seek an Agricultural Law degree.


Salinas will not only be representing Area X in her newly elected position but also helping the Area Officer Team and the state association stay connected on virtual platforms. She will also aid in promoting leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.



The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest association with a membership of more than 139,500 members. FFA gives students the opportunity to apply their acquired practical classroom knowledge to real world experiences through local, state, and national competitions. For more information please visit www.mytexasffa.org .
