Mission CISD purchasing department receives award of merit

Mission, Texas- Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) officials have been notified that the district’s purchasing department has earned the Purchasing Award of Merit. The Award of Merit was created by the Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) to recognize school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and education service centers that are committed to following professional standards in the acquisition of goods and services. 

The honorees demonstrate professional purchasing operations and share their best practices in policies and procedures with colleagues throughout the state. 

“The purchasing procedures are an extremely important aspect of district operations,” explained Dr. Carol G. Perez. “Not only does the purchasing department make sure we abide by all laws and regulations, but that we also are getting the best value in all our acquisitions. It is another aspect of making sure we get the most out of every tax payer dollar we spend in the service of our students and community.”

As a part of the judging process, the district’s many aspects of the purchasing department operations are looked at. General topics include: purchasing operations and organization, purchasing policies and procedures, purchasing contract operations, purchasing staff engagement-training-certifications, procurement cards systems, warehousing, procurement knowledge, use of technology, communication tools, and managing the district in cooperatives and other programs. 

The district will officially be recognized at a dinner on Tuesday, February 16 during the annual TASBO conference. 

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