VMHS BPA students place in virtual regional competition

Veterans Memorial High School Business Professionals of America (BPA) students participated in the Regional Competition on January 7 and 8, 2021. This competition took place virtually and the following are the results for the competition. 


BPA team of Leah Picazo, Jessica Hernandez, Clarissa Sepulveda, and Nicole Munoz took 1st place and are State Qualifiers for their participation in the Presentation Management Team. In this category they used current desktop technologies and software to prepare and deliver an effective multimedia presentation. The presentation topic addressed how local companies could provide internship seeking students with engaging, meaningful internship experiences in a remote setting due to COVID-19. They had to research and prepare a compelling presentation addressing this issue.  


Jose Gonzalez placed 2nd and is a State Qualifier in Health Administration Leadership / Special Topics. In this category, he had to create a community awareness presentation targeting warning signs of social, emotional, and physical dangers and their remedies during a global pandemic. 


Karina Pena placed 3rd in Health Administration Procedures. In this competition, she had to evaluate the knowledge of medical terminology and skills needed to prepare medical documents and function effectively in a medical office. 

The Presentation Management Team- Leah Picazo, Jessica Hernandez, Clarissa Sepulveda, and Nicole Munoz as well as Health Administration Leadership/Special Topics- Jose Gonzalez qualified for State Competition will be participating virtually in March.
