Mission, Texas- Mission High School DECA recognized as Chapter Campaign –THRIVE LEVEL recipients for their outstanding work on their Promotional and Community Service Campaigns. The DECA THRIVE LEVEL award is a chapter recognition where two or more campaign criterion must be met to receive this honor. The MHS DECA team did an outstanding job due to their hard work and commitment not only to their organization but to their community as well. THRIVE level awards are usually presented when members attend the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) but due to pandemic restrictions, this will be done virtually this year.
The DECA members that contributed to this campaign are: Marissa Sandoval (President), Kimberly Chavez (Vice President), Naylea Hinojosa (Administrative Officer), Maielah Davis (Displays Officer), Natalie Muñoz (Events/Community Svs. Officer), Yeseñia Gonzalez (Fundraising Officer), Krystal Gonzalez (PR Officer), Sebastian Rodriguez (Travel Officer), Leslie Garza (Member), Cristian Gonzalez (Member), Gabriel Iracheta-Flores (Member), Alexandra Montoya (Member), Jorge Sanchez (Member), Alan Otero (Member), Eliud Reyna (Member), Camila Urquizo (Member), Emily Gonzalez(Alumni), Joanna Juarez (Alumni), and Rochelle Saenz (Alumni).