The Veterans Memorial High School Harlequins have advanced to Regionals after placing 1st at the bi-district competition on Wednesday, March 24.
The troupe, which last made an appearance at Regionals in 2014, is advancing with the One-Act Play titled “Drowning Girls,” which tells the story of three ghosts who were murdered by the same man shortly after their weddings. The play follows each woman’s struggles in life and their search for justice after their death.
The VMHS Harlequins advanced as the highest ranking show with seven individual awards at the bi-district contest. Congratulations to the following students for being recognized:
All-Star Cast:
- Catherine Cavazos
- Allison Garza
- Zamira Galvan
Honorable Mention All-Star Cast:
- Trenton Garcia
- Dalilah Velasquez
- Danielle Hallquist
All-Star Tech Award:
- Holly Garza
Best of luck at the Regional contest in San Antonio on Saturday, April 17!