Mission CISD SchoolMed telehealth services available for students

Mission CISD SchoolMed telehealth services are available district wide. Children can be seen by a medical provider in the school nurse’s office with little to no cost to families. We accept all Texas Medicaid plans, TRICARE, and most major insurance plans. For more information visit: https://goodsidehealth.com/register .

The following resources are also available:

  • Mission CISD School Based Health Clinic Ph# 519-1800 (Nuestra Clinica located at 201 S. Los Ebanos at 5-mile line).
  • Dentists Who Care vouchers for qualifying dental emergencies (contact your school nurse for more information).
  • Texas Children’s Health Plan (most CHIP families pay $35 per year or less to cover all their children). Apply online at www.texaschildrenhealthplan.org or call 2-1-1 toll-free and press 2.

Resources for Vision/Eye glasses assistance available are:

  • VSP vouchers
  • Mission Lions Club

Be Prepared! Protect your children and your family this fall from the flu. Vaccinations available at: (Nuestra Clinica 519-1800, HCHD 585-2461, or at your local doctor’s office).

Contact your campus nurse directly for more information or to see if your children qualify for any of the above services.
