Mission CISD to begin offering rapid COVID-19 tests on campus for students and employees

Mission CISD to begin offering rapid COVID-19 tests on campus for students and employees

Mission, Texas- The Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) is now offering rapid COVID-19 testing to students and employees on campus. Officials say the district is taking part in a statewide program providing the tests that will allow for testing of both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals (students and employees). 

“This will be a great expansion of our COVID-19 protocols,” said Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent. “We will be encouraging all our employees and families to participate and can help reduce the risks to our school community.” 

The program uses the BinaxNOW tests and provides results in 15 minutes. They are administered using a nasal swab in the front area of the nostril. They have been proven to be highly accurate, with accuracy rates of 97-98% for symptomatic individuals. 

If parents give permission for their child to be given the BinaxNOW test, they will be called if their child is experiencing symptoms and that they will be administered the BinaxNOW test. Parents will be called with results of the test and can also be sent a text with the results and receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. Test results will be shared with Mission CISD officials, and the Hidalgo County Health and Human Services Department to allow for legally required public health reporting and also for contract tracing. The total number of positive tests per school will be shared with the Texas Department of State Health Services, as required by law. 

Tests will be made available to all students who are showing symptoms of COVID-19. However, to participate in the program, parents must complete a form that has been sent via email. The forms can also be picked up at each campus. 

“Availability of testing and results is a critical part of helping control the spread of COVID-19 and will play an important role with our return to in-person instruction,” said Dr. Perez.

District officials said if a parent has a child experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and would like for them to be tested, that they NOT send them to school. Instead, parents should contact the campus nurse by calling their school and making appropriate arrangements through the nurse for the test to be safely administered. Mission CISD reminds parents they should never send a child to school who is sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. 

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