After working tirelessly for their first winter competition, the Veterans Memorial High School Color Guard team’s hard work paid off with a 1st place win at the Texas Educational Color Guard Contest in Valley View High School on Saturday, Jan. 29.
During the competition, the VMHS Color Guard was ranked 1st place overall in the Novice White Division, as well as 1st in Equipment, Movement & General Effect.
VMHS Color Guard Coach Emily Jimenez said she knows what her team is capable of and works to ensure they each get the most out of their three-hour practices.
“All guards shed sweat, blood and tears while putting in the hours needed,” Jimenez said. “I give them all the tools they need to reach the goals we discussed, and then it's up to them to put in the work during and out of practice.”
Senior Color Guard Captain Sol Barreiro shared that pulling off this 1st place victory meant all their hard work was worth it.
“When they called out our name, I did our salute and began to check out mentally because I wanted to make sure it was all real,” said Barreiro, who’s been captain for two years. “But my team deserved it. They put so much time and effort into this, and gave everything they could.”
For Junior Autumn Gonzalez, who has been on the team for three years, Color Guard not only means doing what she loves, but doing it with her closest friends.
“They are more than just my teammates, they are my best friends,” Gonzalez said. “I have learned so much from being in the color guard and I feel that I have grown so much because of it. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of my directors and coach.”
The team will now work toward earning a spot in the TECA State Championship, which will take place on Saturday, March 26 in Seguin, TX.
Best of luck to the team!