MHS Color Guard earns second place in TCGC Championships

The Mission High School Color Guard, a multi-year state medalist, returned to competition and earned 2nd place at the Edinburg North contest after being out for two years due to COVID. They have now qualified and will attend the Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC) Championships in San Antonio next weekend. 


That contest included color guards from 11 high schools in the Rio Grande Valley.  These students have really put a lot of effort into returning to competition after much down time and many of these students are in the color guard for the first time. Color Guard members are: Caleb Pequeno, Diana Vargas, Stephanie Farias, Daniella Gonzalez, Estrella Gonzalez, Beilye Tristan, Sarah Tamez, Sarah Castillo, Ellie Martinez, Paola Alaniz, Lizbeth Medrano, and Kaitlyn Barron.

