Mission CISD programs recognized by Texas State Texas School Safety Center

Mission, Texas- Two new programs implemented this school year by Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) are being recognized by the Texas State Texas School Safety Center (TSSC) as a part of its School Safety Spotlight Program. 

The TSSC’s School Safety Spotlight Program is designed to recognize and promote schools, districts, junior colleges, and individuals that foster education and learning through safe and secure campuses. There are five areas for nominations: collaborative community partnerships, staff development and training, positive climate and prevention programs, student-led groups or programs, or outstanding individual service. 

The collaborative community partnership the district started with Gun Responsibility Awareness Safety Program (GRASP), and the implementation of mindfulness rooms as a part of campus climate and prevention programs are the two programs selected by the TSSC for the School Safety Spotlight Program. Both programs have been highlighted in the organization’s most recent newsletter. 

“These two programs hit two of the key areas that we are continuing to focus on as a district,” explained Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent. “It is all about continual improvement and finding creative solutions to school safety, as well as supporting the emotional wellbeing of our students, now more than ever. To receive this recognition of our efforts is a great validation of the hard work of our district staff in keeping students the center of what we do as a district.”

The two Mission CISD programs are among only five highlighted in the TSSC’s recent newsletter. The overview of all the programs can be found online at, https://txssc.txstate.edu/tools/ss-spotlight/recipients-22. Submissions to the program are reviewed and judged using the following criteria: knowledge, creativity and originality, engagement, impact, and evidence-based practices. 

All nominations submitted to the TSSC between September 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022 will be considered for recognition at the Texas School Safety Center’s School Safety Conference to be held in June, in San Antonio, Texas. 

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