Mission CISD embarks on a one-of-a-kind diversity journey

Mission, Texas- Diversity is a term that gets tossed around quite a bit. Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) officials are doing more than just tossing that term around. The district is partnering with Village in the Valley (ViVa) to embark on a diversity journey that is a first-of-its-kind project in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). The district is working with ViVa to implement the Illumnation Project to create a more inclusive, supportive school community for students, teachers, administration, and parents.

ViVa is a nonprofit organization that was created to connect the black community with each other, as well as to bridge the gap with the various cultures that reside in the RGV. 

“We are excited to have ViVa as a partner as we begin this journey to create a more inclusive environment for everyone in our school community,” said Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent. “The Illumination Project really provides us with a great framework to guide our process, gain insights with our community, and develop a meaningful plan that can be implemented throughout in all aspects of our operations.”

“We’re excited to be partnered with Mission CISD as they are the first district in the valley to lead the charge with Village in the Valley regarding The Illumination Project, said Marsha Terry, ViVa co-president. “ The Illumination Project is a way for people’s voices to be heard in shaping a collective collaborative future as it relates to inclusion, diversity and cultural differences within schools. We are proud and honored as Mission CISD shows their commitment to the community in supporting this initiative.”

The process begins with bringing together a cross-section of district representatives that includes students and parents for a steering committee. This group will help oversee the project plan. Listening groups will also be implemented to gather input as a part of the plan development.

Each month, from November through January, teachers will lead students through an exercise designed to help the students learn more about how they can create a more inclusive school environment. Parents will also be invited to sessions designed just for them. The program will culminate in a “Blue Ribbon Week” during the month of February 2023. 

There are five main goals for the program. 

  1. Create a more inclusive and supportive school community for all students, teachers, administrators and parents.
  2. Develop positive and proactive actions to create an ideal learning and social environment.
  3. Help everyone gain insight into, and to assume personal responsibility for the role they each play in creating the schools culture.
  4. Create an overall plan for fostering even better relationships among all groups into the future.
  5. Better understand cultural diversity and provide acceptance of cultures within our schools.

“The Illumination Project that ViVa has created allows us to shine a light on our current realities while also creating a more inclusive future for our school community,” said Dr. Perez. “Best of all, we are able to do this through an organization that truly understands the communities of the RGV because they are from the RGV.”

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