MCHS and City of Alton Police Department set students up for success

Mission, Texas-Mission Collegiate High School (MCHS) partners up with the City of Alton Police Department to set up students for success by creating a program that would provide them with skills they can use to navigate through life. The Life Skills program will teach students how to deal effectively with the demands and challenges they may encounter throughout their life.


“We are providing students with basic life skills they can take with them when they graduate whether they go into the workforce or to college,” states Jonathan Flores, City of Alton police chief. “This is a very impactful program that would be helpful to them now and in the future.”


A series of sessions will cover a variety of topics such as Household & Automotive, Time Management, Money Management, Social & Communication Skills, and Self-Care Medical & Wellness. Each topic has several concepts that each of the guest speakers will go through such as for Household & Automotive, students will learn how to use household tools, check tire pressure, pump gas, check vehicle fluids and steps to take in case of a car accident.


“I’m so glad that the City of Alton came up with this excellent idea,” states Ana Lisa Flores, MCHS principal. “We teach the academics here at school but what better way to send off our kids knowing those life skills that are sure to help them as they meet the challenges that they will meet in life.”


This training is for juniors and seniors because as they exit from high school and head out to the next stage of their life these skills will surely benefit them in the real world.  MCHS and City of Alton Police Department have already received positive feedback from the students on this training.


“I think these life skills sessions are really allowing students to develop skills that they will need for adulthood,” states Angela Campos, MCHS junior. “We are learning how to open a bank account, how to save, and how to file your taxes. Learning these skills while in high school are extremely beneficial for us.”


A very special thanks goes to Police Chief Jonathan Flores and Lt. Carlos Olivares for spearheading this initiative and for bringing this idea to MCHS.

