Raising the Bar: Mission CISD's approved Compensation Plan for 2024-2025

MISSION, TEXAS (June 20, 2024) – The Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) Board of Trustees has approved a comprehensive compensation plan for the 2024-2025 school year that continues to ensure district salaries remain above market values.  

According to a recent salary study conducted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the median starting salary for a new teacher in Texas is $47,388, and the median teacher average salary is $55,600. In comparison, Mission CISD has set its starting salary for teachers with zero years of experience at $58,250, positioning the district well above the median salary levels. 

The newly approved compensation plan includes adjustments to all other salary schedules. Paraprofessionals, clerical staff, technical personnel, and auxiliary employees will receive a 3.0% pay increase, while non-teacher professionals will see a 2.5% increase in their salaries. 

Dr. Cris Valdez, Interim Superintendent of Schools for Mission CISD, emphasized the significance of the compensation plan in fostering job satisfaction among district employees. 

"When our educators and support staff feel valued and motivated, they are better equipped to inspire and educate our students,” Valdez said. Our goal is to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement in hopes that Mission CISD is one of the most desirable districts to work for.” 

The Board of Trustees approved the district compensation plan during their meeting on June 19. 

For more information, please contact the Mission CISD Public Relations Office at 956-323-5530. 

