The Veterans Memorial FFA Alumni recently held its annual livestock show. Student projects showed quite well.
In the market hog division: Javier Martinez, grand champion; David Bazan, reserve grand champion; Johnny Martinez, champion showman; David Bazan, reserve champion showman; Christina Reyna, breed champion Duroc; Johnny Martinez, reserve champion Duroc; Javier Martinez, breed champion Hampshire; Darian Bazan, breed champion OPB; Eliza Vela, reserve champion OPB; Marco Diaz, breed champion York; David Bazan, breed champion cross; Dustin Bazan, reserve champion cross; J.R. Martinez, second place cross; David Bazan, third place cross.
In the market goat division: Samantha Diaz, grand champion, Cordel Bosler, reserve grand champion; Bella Alaniz champion showman; Cordel Bosler, reserve champion showman; Samantha Diaz, champion light weight; Cordel Bosler, reserve light weight; Marissa Garcia, champion heavy weight; Bella Alaniz, reserve champion heavy weight; Kendra Garcia, third place heavy weight.
In the market lamb division: Zenaida Alaniz, grand champion; A.J. Barba, reserve grand champion; A.J. Barba, champion showman; Marcus Cordova, reserve champion showman; Zenaida Alaniz, breed champion medium wool; A.J. Barba, reserve breed champion medium wool; Marcus Cordova, third place.
In the market steer division: Roy Guerrero, grand champion; Devin Stiers, reserve grand champion; Devin Stiers, champion showman; Angel Sanchez, reserve champion showman; Roy Guerrero, breed champion American breed cross; Devin Stiers, reserve breed champion American breed cross.
In the breeding cattle division: Christina Reyna, champion commercial heifer; Angel Sanchez, champion Beefmaster heifer; A.J. Barba, reserve champion Beefmaster heifer.
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