The Mission High School (MHS) Symphonic Band recently attended the UIL Concert and Sight Reading competition. The band achieved the highest scores possible, division one ratings from all judges in both stage performance and sight reading. According to records at the school, this is also the first time in at least 18 years the MHS Symphonic Band has received straight division one ratings at this contest.
Members of the MHS Symphonic Band are: Jocelyne Acevedo, Cassandra Sandoval, Jannelle Carr, Giselle Ponce, Jeselle Gonzalez, Smantha Arriola, Maria Briones, Pedro Silva, Estrella Pina, Luz Torres, Jin Gao, Grecia Vargas, Luis Blanco, Emily Torres, Robert Rodriguez, Vicente Segovia, Christina Rodriguez, Oscar Salinas, Joseph Esquivel, Julissa Garza, Karina Garza, Ana Maria Rodriguez, Ricardo Yruegas, Angel Gomez, Jose Amador, Alejandra Carbajal, Omar Pimentel, Abel Rios, Enrique Pina, Alyssa Mercado, Alice Arellano, Ivan Guardado, Mariana Cantu, Victoria McKenna, Esmeralda Reyna, Brandon Flores.
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