The following are election results for the 2014 Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) Board of Trustees election provided by the Hidalgo County Elections Department. These figures represent the totals, with all precincts, as reported by the Hidalgo County Elections Department. Election results will not be considered official until canvassing. Canvassing of the results is currently planned to take place on May 20 at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:00 p.m.
Place 1
Marcie González Acosta 1,149
Roy Vela 2,385
Place 6
Rigo Sariñana 952
A.C. Pruneda 1,133
Petra B. Ramirez 1,490
Place 7
Oscar Martinez 897
Rick Venecia 1,197
Herminia R. (Minnie) Rodgers 1,489
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