Beginning Monday, August 25 access to Bryan Elementary School and Elm Street from Bryan Road will be limited during school drop off and pick up times. The changes are being made due to higher traffic loads along Bryan Road and the construction of a new store on the south of Bryan Elementary School.
Beginning August 25, Elm Street will be closed at Bryan Road from 6:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. and again from 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. each school day. All access to the school during these times will be made by approaching the school on Elm Street from the east, and then exiting on Elm Street to the east.
The decision to make these changes was made during a meeting between Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) administration and the Mission Police Department.
In prior years, traffic would line up along Elm Street and then south on Bryan Road during the morning drop off periods and in the afternoon pick up times. This line of cars would regularly extend south of the campus property to an area that would severely complicate traffic at the store being built and for those students who use the guarded crosswalk on Bryan Road.
District and campus officials apologize for any inconvenience the changes may cause, however, district and city officials feel this is the best option to help protect drivers and students during the high traffic periods that come during student drop off and pick up at this school.
Pictured is the new drop off and pick up route to be used for Bryan Elementary School; indicating the limited access to Elm Street from Bryan Road during the drop off and pick up time periods.
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