VMHS Patriot Stars awarded a bid to national competition

                The Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Patriot Stars returned from the National Dance Alliance camp held in San Antonio this summer with a few honors, including a bid to nationals to be held in Orlando, FL in the spring of 2015.

                In addition to their national invitation, the squad received a Bronze plaque for their team dance.

                Alyssa Gonzales, Misty Cornejo, Monique Alvarez, Joshua Alcaraz, and Ashley Alanis were nominated for All American Dancers.

                Misty Cornejo, Ashley Alanis, and Joshua Alcaraz made the All American Dance Team.

                Many other individual awards were received by team members.

                The VMHS Patriot Stars who participated in the competition are: Alyssa Gonzalez, Ashley Alaniz, Cassandra Galvez, Cynthia Gonzalez, Joshua Alcaraz, Karla Ferro, Michelle Salinas, Misty Cornejo, Monique Alvarez, Natalie Marroquin, Rebecca Rodriguez, Victoria Escamilla, Zeleen Leal.

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