MHS choir students make TMEA District and Region choirs

                Members of the Mission High School choir recently competed in the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) District and Region Choir auditions. Nine students earned places in the TMEA District Choir. Of the nine, seven also earned places in the TMEA Region Choir and are advancing to the Pre-Area auditions to be held on November 15. The seven advancing to Pre-Area are (left to right): Oscar Salinas, Carolina Gonzalez, Xavier Alonzo, J.J. Gaitan, Joel Guerrero, Christopher Barboza, Frankie Chaires.

                The nine students who earned positions in the TMEA District Choir are (front row, left to right): Oscar Salinas, Carolina Gonzalez, Emara Balderas, Xavier Alonzo. One the back row: J.J. Gaitan, Esai Balderas, Joel Guerrero, Christopher Barboza, Frankie Chaires.


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