Leal Elementary students/staff double their goal in donations for breast cancer walk

                When the students and staff at Leal Elementary School began to work on a fundraising and awareness event for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they set a goal of $2,000. Their activities would end with a special Pink Walk, the morning of Friday, October 17.

                The morning of their Pink Walk, all the students, staff, and some parents gathered in the playground area to present a check to officials from Mission Regional Medical Center. The money raised was to support the hospital’s Mission Pink organization. Principal, Trinidad Pena held back tears of joy and pride as she announced to the students they had more than doubled their goal. The check presented to support Mission Pink was in the amount of $4,500.

                After the check presentation, all the students participated in a walk on campus grounds. Many students carried handmade signs in memory or support of family and friends who have battled breast cancer. Others created signs supporting breast cancer awareness.

                Pictured are some of the students at Leal Elementary School as they participated in their breast cancer awareness month pink walk.

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