Marcell Elementary students getting more active

                As Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) schools look for more creative ways to incorporate healthy information and physical activity into their regular routines, they draw upon various tools. Marcell Elementary School is in the middle of one such activity, called the Spark 25-Day Physical Activity Challenge.

                Marcell staff members have encouraged all students to take a pledge to find ways to include at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day into their lives for 25 days. The challenge began on September 29 and ends of October 31.

                During the 25-day challenge, students use tracking forms to record the number of minutes of physical activity they get before, during, and after school. At the end of the period, the students will turn in their tracking forms. The data gets sent in to Spark, along with other activities showing how they have tried to spread the word about their efforts.

                Students who finish the challenge will receive certificates of completion. All students who participate in the challenge will also get participation certificates.

                The school could also receive prizes. The grand prize in the contest is a $25,000 Spark Program Package of equipment, curriculum materials, and training. Second and third place prizes are $2,500 gift certificate to purchase equipment or curriculum materials.

                “I think the students have been surprised at all the different times and ways that they get some sort of physical activity,” said Jose Huerta, P.E. teacher. “I bet many students found out that they really did not have to put in too much additional effort to reach the 60 minutes goal of daily activity.”

                Principal, Michelle Rodriguez said the 25-day challenge has been a good way for her campus to begin the process of getting students to focus more on the importance, and fun involved in getting enough physical activity to help keep them healthy.

More information about the Spark 25-Day Physical Activity Challenge is available online,

                Pictured are some students at Marcell Elementary School showing off their physical activity tracking forms that they work on each day.

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