Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) students, parents, and staff will start to see changes in the coming months and years designed to better educate and reinforce healthier lives for students. In addition to continual changes to school lunch standards from the state and federal government, the district has joined the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
Students have seen some of the changes already this school year, reflected in what they are served in their lunches and snacks. Schools are required to serve more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc.
There are also changes this year to what is allowed to be sold to students outside of the Child Nutrition Program offerings. No competitive foods will be sold during the school day on school campus. A school day, for this purpose, is considered to be from midnight before to 30 minutes after student dismissal time.
The district’s nutrition policy is based on the Texas Competitive Rule and the Smart Snacks Rule. More information about this is available on the Child Nutrition Program website at, http://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?page=smartsnacks&sid=1008122255236285.
The state of Texas also no longer allows for any “exempt days” from their nutritional rules. In the past, the district was allowed three “exempt days.” This will impact foods being sold in association with school celebrations just before the winter break, before Easter, and on the last day of school. However, it should not impact food provided to students during these celebrations this school year. Specific guidelines are currently being developed regarding future changes in what is provided to students in association with these celebrations.
As a part of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Mission CISD has just embarked on a four-year journey designed to create and sustain healthy environments where students can learn better and flourish. This is done through improvements in physical education, physical activity, health education, nutrition, employee wellness, etc.
“In these early stages we are focusing on evaluating ourselves as a district and setting some goals,” said Lety Ibarra, coordinator for P.E. and Health. “Once we have a handle on that, we begin to work on plans to reach those goals and implementing those plans.”
Ibarra indicated the Alliance for a Healthier Generation provides additional resources for the district to use in addressing all areas needed to truly have a positive impact on student and employee wellness.
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