One of the tools being used by students at Bryan Elementary School is not only helping them work on their Math skills, but it is also showing they can compete, and beat students from around the nation.
The students just won a national contest hosted by, a website with free online Math games designed to improve mental Math fluency.
Bryan Elementary School placed first in the most recent national contest held November 14-20. A total of 2,896 schools qualified for the contest that included 66,793 students from around the nation.
Not only did Bryan Elementary School come in first place, two of the top ten students in the nationwide contest came from Bryan. Ramon Sotelo III (pictured right) placed second. Bella Guerra (pictured left) placed third.
Six other students from Bryan Elementary School placed in the top 50 in the nation. Brandon Molina, 14th; Adrian Salinas, 21st; Anthony Mendoza, 31st; Kayla Rodriguez, 32nd; Christian Aguilar, 42nd; Larissa Lopez, 49th.
Unlike previous Sumdog contests, this one required the students to complete their work after school. Sotelo answered 1,000 questions correctly. Guerra answered 999 correctly. The Bryan Elementary School team averaged 982 questions answered correctly.
You can view all the results from this contest at this page in the website,
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