The awareness and importance of computer science is spreading through Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) schools like a good computer virus.
It started with the district’s participation in a Mission EDC initiative called Code the Town. This provided after school computer coding workshops for small groups of elementary students at the Mission Boys and Girls Club through Sylvan Learning and Border Kids Code. Work started by students in Code the Town has resulted in the formation of campus groups like one called We Speak Code.
Some Mission CISD teachers have started using Google’s CS First which provides materials for computer science enrichments programs for students (
Mission CISD schools will be observing Computer Science Education Week, December 8-14, by participating in the global Hour of Code movement, The Hour of Code is designed to give students a one-hour introduction to computer sciences and to demystify computer coding by showing that anyone can learn the basics.
“These programs and tools are great additions helping fuel the growth in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) driven instruction that has been in Mission CISD for a while now,” said Ricardo López, superintendent. “When students start to get a taste of some of these things at a younger age, it helps guide them as they decide the paths to take to prepare themselves for college and careers.”
Mission CISD has incorporated STEM initiatives beginning in the elementary grades that can be natural leads into the district’s official Texas-STEM Academy, the only Career-Tech Early College High School program in western Hidalgo County, Mission Collegiate High School, or other programs that provide for high school and college credits.
Most elementary schools will participate in an Hour of Code on either Wednesday, December 10 or Friday, December 13. Secondary Schools are working on plans to participate based upon state testing and semester testing schedules.
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