Mission, Texas- Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) officials are preparing for the district’s 9th Annual Operation College Bound: FAFSA Completion events to be held at Mission High School and Veterans Memorial High School. Mission CISD was the first district in the area to create an event designed to not only help high school seniors start or complete their FAFSA; but to also attend sessions on financial aid, credit, making the transition to college, and other related topics. This year a meningitis clinic will also be included in the events.
Operation College Bound brings together support from South Texas College and The University of Texas Pan American in order to provide services and help to the students at each event venue. The gymnasiums of the high school will be turned into giant computer labs with about 150 computers for the students to use to work on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application also plays a major role in many types of scholarships and financial aid from universities and organizations throughout the country. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children in order to assist in the FAFSA and to get information they may need in order to help their children through the financial aid application processes. Income tax information from parents is needed in order to complete the FAFSA.
Students will rotate through sessions in the “computer lab” and the other break-out sessions during the Operation College Bound event. T-Shirts and door prizes will also be given out to the seniors.
Operation College Bound will be at Mission High School on Tuesday, February 24, from 8:20 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. It will be held at Veterans Memorial High School on Wednesday, February 25.
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