Mission, Texas- Part of one of the recently adopted goals by the Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) Board of Trustees is for the district to have a recognized dual language program. The process actually began with the start of this school year in all of the district’s elementary schools for grades Pre-K through first.
“Ultimately the goal is to have our students finish elementary school as bi-literate,” explained Edgar Ibarra, director for bilingual education. “Studies have shown that this not only helps the students develop a high linguistic proficiency in the two languages, but also higher academic proficiencies.”
Mission CISD is using a proven, one-way dual language enrichment model. Through this model, bilingual students receive instruction for some subjects in Spanish; while others are done in English.
Ibarra said students do not re-learn in a second language; they transfer information across languages in a natural and structured way. “Through this process, the students are not learning a new language, they are learning in a new language.” Ibarra said the students work in pairs or groups to facilitate the learning process.
Ibarra indicated the program is starting with the lower grade levels, because that is where it is best and easiest for students to begin to develop a second language; which can take 5-7 years. The program will expand to another grade level until it involves grades Pre-K through fifth.
Currently, the program focuses on students who are primarily Spanish speakers. Ibarra said the goal is to expand upon that as the capacity of teachers in the program continues to expand and develop. “We do have a few parents who have asked for their children who primarily speak English be included in the dual-language program. Parents of students in those younger grades can ask to have their students included in the program. However, inclusion will be based upon available space.” Ibarra said the district hopes to have the services more widely available over the next several years.
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