Mission CISD to expand its open-enrollment Pre-K program to a full day

                Mission, Texas- In its continual push toward providing the best educational opportunities possible for students, Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) will be expanding its open-enrollment Pre-K program into a full-day program.

                Currently, Mission CISD offers Pre-K instruction to four-year olds, regardless of whether or not they meet state funding guidelines based on language and family income.  Beginning this fall, this will be expanded to the full elementary school instructional day schedule.

                “This is a big financial and instructional commitment on the part of our Board of Trustees,” said Superintendent Ricardo López.  “The state only funds Pre-K instruction for half a day, and only for those who meet specific criteria. We have been able to put ourselves in a position to finally be able to expand this very important grade level.”

                López said the focus on the additional time would be on adding quality instructional time for the youngest of the district’s students. “The increase in instructional time for these students will greatly help in developing their oral language skills and reading skills. We also plan to increase the time spent in other subject areas like Science and Math.” López also said research proves quality early-childhood education plays a major role in future success, including graduation rates.

                District administration is currently developing the implementation plans that will include additional teachers, classroom aides, and classrooms. 

                “I applaud our trustees for their commitment to providing for the full-day Pre-K program,” said López. Since the state does not provide funding for what we are embarking on, this is truly a local commitment on their part to put students first.”

                Officials are in the process of planning a Pre-K Round Up registration period for the coming school year. This will likely be held in late April or early May. At that time, parents will be able to pre-register children who will be four years of age on or before September 1, 2015, and who meet all regular Mission CISD registration requirements. Parents will be asked for a valid form of identification, the child’s birth certificate, Social Security card (if available), immunization record, and proof of residence to confirm the correct elementary school for the student.

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