Spring Wellness Challenge winners

                Wellness and healthy living are not only things focused on in our cafeterias and classrooms, it is also the focus for many Mission CISD employees. A record number of district employees participated in the spring Healthy U/Safe U campaign. The wellness challenge for the spring focused on nutrition over a five-week period of the contest. By understanding how food supports daily functions, and better health, it is hoped this also helped participating employees make better choices that impact their lives.

                At the end of the spring challenge, two “winners” were announced. The department winner was the Transportation Department. The campus winner was Veterans Memorial High School. Each had the highest overall participation and received a banner for display at their building.

                Honorable mentions went to: R. Cantu Jr. High School, Mission High School, Central Office, Maintenance Department.

                The district’s employee wellness programs are provided through Edwards Risk Management. 
