Mission CISD School Identified as a Title 1 High-performing Reward School


                Mission, Texas- The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has identified more than 400 campuses in the state as high-performing and/or high-progress Title 1 schools for 2014-2015. Midkiff Elementary School was identified as a Title 1 high-performing school.

TEA defines a high-performing reward school as a Title 1 school with distinctions based on reading and math performance, as well as the highest graduation rates at the high school level. For 2014-2015, TEA has identified 192 Texas campuses as high-performing.

                The identification of high-performing and/or high-progress Title 1 schools is a part of the state’s conditional waiver from the U.S. Department of Education for specific provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (more commonly known as the No Child Left Behind Act). According to TEA, the identification of high-performing and/or high-progress is based on statewide reading and mathematics assessments used in the state accountability system in the 2013-2014 school year, along with graduation rates.

Title 1 schools are defined as campuses with a student population of at least 40 percent low-income.

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