Mission, Texas- Alton Memorial Jr. High School (AMJH) band is celebrating a strong year in competitions that most recently involved a student qualifying for the Region 15 All-Region Middle School Band. Twenty students earned spots in the Mission CISD All-City Band, and a total of 118 soloist medals were earned at the Mission CISD Solo and Ensemble Competition.
The AMJH band also earned a Division 1 Superior rating at the UIL concert competition. Their symphonic band earned a Division 1 Superior rating at pre-UIL contests and the UIL Concert and Sight Reading Sweepstakes Award.
Other honors included Division 1 ratings at the Texas Music Festival in San Antonio, Texas. The concert band also earned a third place; while the symphonic band earned the Best in Class Award, and the first place Grand Champion Award.
Students pictured represent the AMJH band are (seated left to right): Amber Chavez, Amy Chavez, Frank Maldonado, Isla Coronado, Jose Hernandez, Angel Melendez. Standing are: Johnny Mejia, Jesus Aparicio, Bianca Rosales, Brayan Flores, Daniel Gomez.
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