Mission, Texas- The Mission High School (MHS) FFA Chapter recently returned home from the 87th Annual Texas State FFA Convention with several honors.
Sebastian Carrillo earned second place in the state finals with his agricultural science fair project. His project was on converting common farm crops into usable fuel.
Christopher Venecia earned the prestigious Texas State Degree, which is the highest honor the state association can bestow on an individual member. The Texas State Degree recognizes FFA members who have been an active FFA member for at least two year, complete at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, maintain a supervised agricultural experience program (SAE), invest significant time and money in their SAE, demonstrate their leadership skills and show a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above.
Jose Calderon won second place in the state semi-finals and 9th place overall in the state finals in the Spanish FFA Creed speaking contest.
In addition to these individual honors, the MHS FFA Chapter earned the Silver Emblem Award in the national chapter rating competition and was ranked on of the top FFA chapters in the state of Texas.
A total of 10 MHS FFA students spend the week participating in the agricultural science fair, leadership workshops, and gained valuable experiences by participating in business sessions and voting on official FFA items of business. The MHS FFA Chapter is the largest FFA Chapter in the Rio Grande Valley.
MHS FFA officers and members have spent much of the summer working on projects, attending leadership camps, and a diverse range of activities at the Texas State FFA Convention. These members will utilize the leadership skills they have gained over the summer to plan and organize another successful year for new and returning FFA members at MHS.
Pictured are members of the MHS FFA Chapter who attended the state convention.
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