Traffic patterns and access to MHS are changing this school year

                Mission, Texas- Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) officials are making changes to traffic patterns, drop-off/pick-up areas, and access around Mission High School (MHS) for the 2015-2016 school year. Construction related activity at the campus is resulting in the need to make the changes. Main access for all visitors will be from the east side of the MHS campus, using Cummings Ave.  Student drop-off before school and pick-up after school will enter from the north on Cummings Ave. Once the school day has started, access to Cummings from the north will be closed as in the past. All visitors to MHS during the school day will need to access the campus from the southeast, accessing Cummings Ave. from Kika De La Garza St. A new parking lot A security guard will be positioned at the new southeast campus entry point.

                The parking areas and gates to MHS along Cleo Dawson will be closed. Limited access to a parking area near the Neuhaus Gym building may be used for competitive sporting events and student performances at the Fine Arts Theater on occasion.

                All campus staff and students with approved parking permits will be allowed to park at Tom Landry Stadium.

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