Mission, Texas- Call them the Science Dynamic Duo of Alton Memorial Junior High School (AMJH). Ana Cristina Perez (pictured left) and Jennifer Rodriguez (pictured right) have been asked to present at a special conference later this month. The pair of Science teachers are part of a Science Collaborative through the Region One Education Service Center (ESC) since June of this year and have been mentoring other Science teachers at AMJH.
Perez and Rodriguez were recently asked to participate and present at the Rio Grande Valley Science Association on Saturday October 3rd in which they presented a lesson on Topographic Maps. They were also invited to present at a conference for Science teachers: High Performance- Best Practices for Student Success Conference on October 27 that will be hosted by Region One ESC. They were selected from among their peers because of their outstanding Science teaching demonstrated at AMJH. “We, in the Region One Science Department and the Texas Regional Science Collaborative are proud of your teaching knowledge and would like to showcase your expertise with other techniques learned through your trainings here at Region One to a group of your peers,” said Elda Christian, Region One ESC Science Specialist, in the invitation to present. They will co-present with ESC Science specialists at the conference.
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