Midkiff Elementary School starts a minitropolis

                Mission, Texas- A new city, of sorts, has sprouted within Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District). Over the last few weeks, the students of Midkiff Elementary School have been busy forming their own minitropolis. A minitropolis is designed to mirror a fully functioning, community to create an academic learning experience for students.

                Midkiff Elementary School has worked closely with officials from the City of Palmhurst in starting the new minitropolis; along with local businesses, WalMart, H-E-B, and IBC Bank. The bank and store will be the first businesses in the newly created town.

                While all students at Midkiff Elementary School are “citizens” of the new town, only those in grades 3-5 are of voting age, and have participated in elections for a new city name and city council that will replace the student council.

                A special ceremony was held this morning (November 20) to introduce the new city council members, new city name, swear in the new mayor and mayor pro-tem, and hold a ribbon cutting to open the minitropolis now known as the Republic of Midkiff.

                Midkiff Elementary School principal, Dora Villalobos said the motivation behind the new program is to provide students with the social, academic, and real life skills they need to be successful and responsible citizens, while also introducing them to different careers.

                The first city council of The Republic of Midkiff are: Ethan Zamora, mayor; Leo Salinas, mayor pro-tem; Arely Espinoza, city manager; Mario Gutierrez, finance director; Cianna Villalpando, historian; Gabi Moreno, city council place 1; Janice Alejandro, city council place 2; Eduardo Ordaz, city council place 3; Edith Pena, city council place 4.

                In comments after his swearing in, Mayor Zamora indicated some of the first steps for the new city were to work on opening their first two businesses and naming their streets (hallways). He said they would soon conduct interviews for employees to work at the WalMart, H-E-B, and IBC Bank.

                Midkiff Elementary School will soon be joined in the minitropolis movement by Mims Elementary School, which is close to officially beginning its new city.

                Pictured are members of Republic of Midkiff city council, officials from the City of Palmhurst, and district officials during the official ribbon cutting held for the new minitropolis. Republic of Midkiff Mayor Zamora had the honors of cutting the ribbon.

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