Mims Elementary School launches a minitropolis


            Mission, Texas- Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) is home to the Rio Grande Valley’s newest “town”. Over the last few months, the students of Mims Elementary School have been busy forming their own minitropolis known as Mustangville. This micro-society is designed to mirror a fully functioning community in order to create an academic learning experience for students.

            A special ceremony was held this morning (December 4) to introduce the new city council members, and to officially swear in the new mayor, city council, police officers, and postmasters.

            Mims Elementary School principal, Yvonne Zamora said this project has been in the works for well over a year in an effort to provide students with as broad an experience as possible. This has not only involved running for city offices, but students have also been applying and interviewing for jobs within the city and it’s businesses.

            Mustangville is starting with, a WalMart, IBC Bank, bookstore, music store, treasury department, IRS, newspaper, radio station, recycling center, police department, future nurses, future teachers. Zamora said students are already planning on expanding their city and city services. In the coming weeks, time will be set aside on Fridays for the city and its businesses to conduct business with the student citizens.

            The first city council of Mustangville are: Antonio Gamez, mayor; Carla Guerrero, city council place one; Ian Hinojosa, city council place two; Sarah Martinez, city council place three; Jaditza Gutierrez, city council place four.

            Midkiff Elementary School has also joined the minitropolis movement.

            The Mustangville swearing-in ceremony was attended by minitropolis counterparts from the City of Mission. Pictured are members of the Mustangville city council as they signed their official oaths of office after being sworn into their respective offices.

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