MHS FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team completes a successful year


            Mission, Texas- The Mission High School (MHS) Parliamentary Procedure/Chapter Conducting Team has completed a successful competition year. The team has built a reputation of excellence. This year, the students earned the Rio Grande Valley FFA District Championship, Area X FFA Reserve Championship, Reserve Championship at Texas State FFA Semi-Finals, and placed ninth overall in the Texas FFA State Finals.

            This places them in the top ten out of 270 senior teams that participated in the activity.

            The students on the Parliamentary Procedure/Chapter Conducting Team are: Christopher Venecia, Amanda Granados, Ariana Pena, Amelia Perez, Jacob Flores, Sebastian Carrillo, Esmeralda Sanchez . The sponsors are: Benito Garza, Marco Villarreal, Clarissa Saenz.

            State finals were held at Sam Houston State University. Pictured are the students and advisors at Sam Houston State University after receiving their award banner.

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