Say thanks to our school board members

Say thanks to our school board members

Super-Heroes for Schools

Mission, Texas- January 2016 is School Board Recognition Month, and Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) is joining other districts across the state as they honor the countless contributions of these locally elected advocates for public education.

“Serving on a school board is no easy task, particularly in today’s climate of rapid change. These men and women are elected to establish the policies  that provide the framework for our public schools. they tackle a difficult job and shoulder enormous responsibilities. Overall, they represent the community and take their leadership roles seriously by attending lengthy meetings; broadening their knowledge at conferences and seminars; and talking about the schools with business leaders, parents, and neighbors,” said Dr. Ricardo López, superintendent.

“Too often we neglect to recognize the dedication of these citizens who work without pay. So each year the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) encourages communities to show appreciation to these individuals for their unfailing commitment to the success of all students. The staff and students of Mission CISD applaud our board members for their vision and voice to help shape a better tomorrow for the communities we serve,” he added.

The Mission CISD Board of Trustees consists of: Patricia O’Caña-Olivarez, president; J.C. Avila, secretary; Petra B. Ramirez, member; Minnie R. Rodgers, member; Roy Vela, member; Veronica R. Mendoza, member.

This past year, the Mission CISDBoard of Trustees have supported programs and initiatives that include: improving employee pay to be among the top in the Rio Grande Valley, improving health benefits for employees, world-class robotics programs, finalizing 2008 bond issue projects, improved academics in all areas, increasing enrollment by 450 students, computer coding, Chromebook initiatives, expanding pre-k to a full-day program, and the Read to Lead initiative.

“Our district benefits from the tireless work and countless hours contributed by our board members who work without pay,” López said. “So this year’s theme of Super-Heroes for School seem very appropriate. I hope our community members will take a moment this month to thank these dedicated volunteers for their efforts to make a difference for our children.”

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