VMHS DECA students advance to state competition


            Mission, Texas- The Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) DECA chapter has 24 students advancing to the DECA State Career Development Conference for competition. The competitions will take place in San Antonio, Texas in late February. The students are advancing based upon their performance at the recent DECA District 1 competition.

            Students advancing to the state competition are: Karina Arrezola, Katelyn Rivas, business growth plan; Adrian Castaneda, Roel Cortez, community service project; Abraham Ibarra, Andres Lopez, Alek Garza, learn and earn project; Kaylee Leyva, Andrea Flores, buying and merchandising; Paola Flores, Amanda Lozano, public relations project; Ray Maldonado, Ivan Pena, travel and tourism team decision making; Maia Mendoza, Alyssa Ramirez, hospitality and tourism operations; Ericka Leo, Monique Pena, creative marketing project; Jennifer Hernandez, Bianca Lopez, entrepreneurship promotion project; Kaleb Tamez, buying and merchandising operations; Kendra Hernandez, franchise business plan; Haley Milam, hotel and lodging management; Brianna Pulido, independent business plan; Samantha Langarica, start up business plan.

            Pictured are the VMHS DECA chapter students at the recent District 1 competition.

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