Mission, Texas- The newest “town” in the Rio Grande Valley officially opened for business this morning at Mims Elementary School in Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District). Over the last few months, the students of Mims Elementary have been busy forming their own minitropolis known as Mustangville. This micro-society is designed to mirror a fully functioning community in order to create an academic learning experience for students.
Business and community leaders joined Mission CISD leaders and the citizens of Mustangville for the official ribbon cutting ceremony and first “day” of business. After the ribbon cutting was complete, the citizens of Mustangville (students), then officially opened their businesses and community offices. Campus administrators provided tours of the minitropolis for the visiting dignitaries, which included representatives from other area school districts with similar micro-societies or who are planning on starting them.
Mustangville is starting with a WalMart, H-E-B, IBC Bank, bookstore, music store, treasury department, IRS, newspaper, radio station, recycling center, police department, future nurses, future teachers, an arcade, postal service, and fully functioning city council. Time is set aside each Friday for the city and its businesses to conduct business with the student citizens.
Midkiff Elementary School has also joined the minitropolis movement. Their micro-society is named Republic of Midkiff.
Pictured are City of Mission officials, Mission CISD officials, and Mustangville officials as they prepared to officially open their minitropolis. Also included are postal service workers as they sorted citizen mail for delivery and a citizen conducting business at the Mustangville branch of IBC Bank. We have also include a short video file of the ribbon cutting.
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